Getting Hasselt to move

Stad Hasselt


How do you make it clear to your bosses that there is a weight limit on their bon-vivant lifestyle? You enter a pitch for the City of Hasselt to promote sport in the city.


We won the pitch with the baseline "Everybody on the move". The official explanation of the campaign was: "A physical activity, no matter how big or small, puts Hasselt in motion and the people of Hasselt closer together. Because together, we make the difference.” Our subliminal message to our bosses? "Get off your lazy ass and start exercising!".


When the board of directors and residents of Hasselt saw our video and posters, they spontaneously put on their running shoes and started shouting 'Eye of the Tiger'. Whether the message got through to our bosses, we’re not sure…

Do you have some subliminal messages you want to share with your bosses?